14th IFSSH and 11th IFSHT triennial congress

14th IFSSH and 11th IFSHT triennial congress
14th IFSSH 2019

14th IFSSH 2019

Kdy: 17. - 21. 6. 2019
Kde: Berlin (Germany)
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Info:  Let’s meet in Berlin on 17-21 June 2019!
We are proud to announce that in 2019 the World Congress for hand surgery and therapy will be held in Berlin, Germany. For the first time, the upcoming IFSSH & IFSHT Congress combines the international (IFSSH & IFSHT), European (FESSH & EFSHT) and German national (DGH & DAHTH) congresses for hand surgeons and therapists in one major event.

5 reasons why you should mark your calendar:

  • Meet and exchange with colleagues from all over the world in one single event
  • Profit from top-class faculty and multifaceted scientific programme
  • Learn about the different perspectives of hand surgery and therapy
  • Explore the vibrant city of Berlin during summer season
  • Experience incredibly varied European history and cultural highlights in Germany’s capital

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